
6.0 还行

分类:剧情 犯罪  美国 2013

简介: 一次偶然中,埃文(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)遇见了性感 详情


美国骗局影评:Very personal

I like this movie. I saw this movie years ago but barely remember anything. I like this movie because it somehow resembles my personal life. Maybe I'm getting older and everything relates to my own life.

I hurt myself today. it was a ridiculous story. I wrote it down because sometime people act weirdly. My story is a testimony for the act that stupid but hot wife went straight to the group of mobs.

I was walking in a park with my wife and son. I like trees,rivers,mountains so I hate to stay indoors in the weekend. I saw a ladder besides a tree,which I could never climb without a ladder. The scenery arouse my childhood passion for climbing the cliff barehandedly. I still remember the nerverseness when I was in the middle of the cliff. I could neither climb up nor climb down with ease. It's not a giant cliff but I would never have the nerve and agility to climb it again. Last time I saw it. The cliff was covered with unknown plants. Maybe we are the last generation who spent so much time, had so much fun in that small mountain in my old house's backyard. Kids in the small town now speak perfect mandarin with no accent. They prefer toys rather than trees. We are moving towards American lifestyle in many ways.

Another climbing memory was in the United States. We were camping with the international office of my alma mater. My EX and I trespassed a private land of a unknown mountain near the camp site. There was a cliff and we decided to climb up. The cliff was more steep than we thought. I made to the top but my EX was stuck. I was very afraid then I saw a statue of the Almighty on top of the mountain. I knew we would be all right. God showed his grace for us and eventually I pulled her up safely. I am always grateful for that day.

Back to the story today, I climbed up the tree with that ladder. I knew I might not have another chance to climb up so high. Therefore I asked my partner to take a picture for me. To make it more authentic,I asked her to move the ladder away. She warned me that she would not move the ladder back because we just had a quarrel. I didn't take it seriously and insisted to take the picture without the ladder.

She did take the picture but wouldn't move the ladder back. Then I was stuck. The tree was taller than the hight I could jump off without hurting myself. I begged her but it didn't work. I couldn't wait any longer so I slipped down from the tree. I got my forearms wounded with large area of scratch and bruises.

I was very angry with my own stupidity. I never expected my wife would actually leave me alone up on the tree. It hurts a lot so that I couldn't fall asleep tonight. The stupid wife in this movie got her neck fractured. Minutes ago I thought my wife was the stupid one but now I think I might be the stupid partner. I deserve this pain.

Writing makes the mind clear, so true!


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