主演:水田山葵 大原惠美 嘉数由美 木村昴 关智一 三石琴乃 松本保典 藤本千秋 荻野志保子 田中理惠 饭冢雅弓 宇垣秀成 楠见尚己 丸田麻里 山野史人 长嶝高士 高户靖广 岸尾大辅 小林剑道 温水洋一 真矢美纪
小夫的炫耀一如既往让大雄气愤不已,为了帮大雄实现潜水的心愿,哆啦A梦将整个城市变成了虚拟海洋,并利用道具引来了海洋中的生物。一个美人鱼来到了城市里,却阴差阳错被困了下来。她名叫苏菲亚,是人鱼一族的公主。据说,人鱼族在五千年前生活在另一颗星球,爱好和平的他们因受到另一族的侵略而来至地球避难,从此在这里扎根。大雄、静香他们很快和苏菲亚成为好朋友,并答应帮她寻找人鱼族传说的宝物“人鱼之剑”。正当小伙伴们在深海中尽情玩耍之时,危险不期而至。当初侵略了人鱼族家乡的外星恶魔也来到地球寻找人鱼之剑,小伙伴们即将展开新的冒险…… 本片为哆啦A梦剧场版开播30周年纪念作品。Nobita asks Doraemon to take him somewhere they can dive and as a result the robot-cat uses several gadgets to make it possible for both to able to swim on an imaginary ocean above sea level. Inadvertently a mermaid ends up on Nobita's backyard when they turn off the illusion. Her name is Sophia and she is a princess of an ancient underwater civilization. Doraemon, Nobita, Shizuka, Jyaian, and Suneo quickly become her friends and are invited to visit her homeland. While heading towards the underwater kingdom they find themselves amid a conflict between the mermaids and an opposing tribe that has driven them away from their home planet thousands of years ago. Doraemon, Nobita, and their friends must then aid Sophia find a legendary sword that might bring peace once again to the seas.