这是一部关于死亡的记录片。导演历时一年用摄影机记录下了来到金门大桥——全美最热门的自杀圣地——自杀的各色人等。有的人翻过围栏直接往下跳,有的人犹豫不决,被路人救下;有的人往下跳的一刻,忽然不想死了,奋力自救……这些自杀人群的家属们的反应也各个不一。通过这部影片,你会看到最接近死亡的一刻,看到金光闪闪的大桥下的芸芸众生。People suffer largely unnoticed while the rest of the world goes about its business. This is a documentary exploration of the mythic beauty of the Golden Gate Bridge, the most popular suicide destination in the world, and those drawn by its call. Steel and his crew filmed the bridge during daylight hours from two separate locations for all of 2004, recording most of the two dozen deaths in that year (and preventing several others). They also taped interviews with friends, families and witnesses, who recount in sorrowful detail stories of struggles with depression, substance abuse and mental illness. Raises questions about suicide, mental illness and civic responsibility as well as the filmmaker's relationship to his fraught and complicated material.