主演:阿贾耶·德乌干 桑杰·达特 康格娜·拉瑙特 Lisa Haydon 阿俊·拉姆鲍 萨提许·卡素吉 Satish Kaushik Hiten Paintal Chunky Pandey Bharati Achrekar Steven Clarke Anil Dhawan Mushtaq Khan Troyante Christian Tang
影片是关于一对势均力敌的酷搭档设计了一系列引人发笑、令人惊喜的计划。 这群大牌熟男演员也选取了《准备好》的拍摄地点,前往泰国搞笑耍宝。这部由桑杰·杜特自资拍摄并担任制片人的电影《老千》,讲述了一群不学无术的男子,在泰国招摇撞骗的故事。但他们不是坏人,不过是要令观众笑着回家。拍了几部卖座电影,人气急升的康格娜·拉瑙特在片中混在一众熟男之间,就算没戏可演,也还是美丽的花瓶,其火辣的造型搞不好比这群一线男明星还抢镜。更值得一提的是,康格娜·拉瑙特在该片中的服装全是她自己亲自设计的,她还为自己的另一部电影《高速列车》设计了服装,模特出道的她已在渐渐圆设计师之梦了。After conning and humiliating a Mumbai-based gangster, Anthony Gonsalves, on two different occasions, two con-men, Bhagat Bhosle - who stole a suitcase containing cash - and Chetan Chouhan - who stole his vehicle - end up in Bangkok. Once there, Chetan poses as a social worker and attempts to raise funds for orphans in Somalia as well as win the heart of a wealthy woman, Khushi. Bhagat also ventures on the scene and attempts to win her heart by feigning blindness. The duo make hilarious attempts to outdo each other - little knowing that soon things are going to change after Khushi gets abducted by a vengeful Anthony.