主演:中岛健人 中条彩未 池间夏海 岛崎遥香 岸优太 内藤大湖
虽然看起来平凡无奇,但其实是流氓第二代的高中生·一条乐,遇上了转学到班上的美国黑帮大小姐·桐崎千棘。个性合不来的两人,总是天天吵架。但此时,双方的父亲,却要他们为了使双方家族能和平相处,假装成一对恋人。虽然乐其实喜欢同班同学·小野寺,但迫于现实无奈的两人,还是心不甘情不愿地开始了咬牙切齿、动手动脚的“甜蜜”生活。没想到千棘在扮演情侣的过程中竟然渐渐对乐产生了好感,就在这三角恋情越来越不受控制时,父亲担任警视总监的橘万里花及担任千棘保镖的鸫诚士郎也踏进来加入战局,导致这出失控的爱情喜剧更加一发不可收拾……Ichijo Raku is in high school. He does not appreciate violence and is studying hard in order to fulfill his aspiration to serve the public. Krisaki Chitoge is a transfer student and new at the school. She accidentally knocks Raku down. Normally, that would be that; except each is respectively the son and daughter of the local Yakuza gang. There is going to be trouble unless they act as if they are going steady. It is not going to be easy because they dislike one another.