主演:娜奥米·沃茨 杰登·马泰尔 雅各布·特伦布莱 萨拉·西尔弗曼 迪恩·诺里斯 李·佩斯 麦迪·齐格勒 托尼娅·皮金斯 鲍比·莫尼汉 杰拉尔丁·休斯 马克斯韦尔·锡姆金斯 杰克逊·尼科尔 唐奈塔·拉维尼亚·格雷斯 乔尔·加兰 沃斯·史蒂文斯
《亨利之书》讲述小男孩亨利为了保护邻居家的小姑娘不被她的父亲所伤,暗自策划了一场谋杀。Sometimes things are not always what they seem, especially in the small suburban town where the Carpenter family lives. Single suburban mother Susan Carpenter works as a waitress at a diner, alongside feisty family friend Sheila. Her younger son Peter is a playful 8-year-old. Taking care of everyone and everything in his own unique way is Susan's older son Henry, age 11. Protector to his adoring younger brother and tireless supporter of his often self-doubting mother - and, through investments, of the family as a whole - Henry blazes through the days like a comet. Susan discovers that the family next door, which includes Henry's kind classmate Christina, has a dangerous secret - and that Henry has devised a surprising plan to help. As his brainstormed rescue plan for Christina takes shape in thrilling ways, Susan finds herself at the center of it.