热爱电影的阿强,离乡背井从马来西亚乡村到新加坡打工,一心想当电影放映师。阿强在打工的电影院遇见了师傅小李,从他身上学会了跳舞,如何追求女孩以及生活的真谛。阿强也遇见了晓薇,一位年轻貌美的华文教师。由于家教严厉,她从小就顺从父母亲的想法,但内心却向往自由。在种种机缘巧合下,缘分将他们捆绑在一起。《放映爱》要带观众漫游50年代的新加坡,唤醒大家心中追求梦想的勇气…Inspired by the Italian Classic "Cinema Paradiso", an aspiring filmmaker discovers the touching life story of a cinema projectionist and his unending love for a teacher. Recipient of the 2011 Taiwan Golden Horse Film Project Promotion Post-Production Award, 2012 ACE-HK Asia Film Financing Co-Production Lab participant and recipient of the 2012 Media Development Authority of Singapore New Talent Feature Grant, MY LOVE SINEMA is a touching, nostalgic love story filled with inspiration, courage, passion, resilience and heart. Set in 1950s Singapore, we relive the charming lifestyle of that era, and follow one man's never-ending pursuit of his passion in both cinema and love, sharing a fate that crosses generations. The story starts with the award-winning film director MAI being interviewed by TV host MARK and producer MAY for a broadcast programme. They are on their way to track down the man who ignited Mai's passion 40 years ago - a film projectionist named KHEONG. Upon finding Kheong, ...