主演:安迪·加西亚 Andy Garcia .... Jack Heywood 弗朗西斯·奥康纳 Frances O'Connor .... Alison Heywood
根据罗勃特,莫森(RobertMason)的小说《乞儿》(The Lazarus Child)改变,讲述了一个拯救身处危险中的孩子及和时间赛跑的故事。 12岁的男孩照顾着他的小妹妹,在他转身的一刻,妹妹出了车祸。深度昏迷的妹妹使的原本分居的父母关系更加疏远,也使哥哥陷入了极度地沮丧中。唯一的希望就是采用一个古怪研究员发明的源头治疗法。而这需要有人进入昏迷者的思想,努力与他进行交流,将他们带回意识生活中。时不待人,深感内疚的哥哥义无反顾的自愿加入了这项治疗行动。 IMDB评分 7.8/10 (10 votes)A road accident leaves seven-year-old Frankie Heywood gravely injured and deeply comatose, when she is hit by a bus, and her twelve-year-old brother Ben severely depressed and traumatised after he witnessed the event. Their parents, Jack and Alison, have to put aside their fights over their unstable marriage to focus on their damaged children. But as life looks as if it will never improve for the Heywoods, Jack and Alison hear of a controversial medical therapy that could cajole Frankie from her coma. The treatment involves communicating with the comatose patient to coax them back to consciousness and Ben is the key to unlocking Frankie from her sleep. But will the Heywoods risk their son to save their daughter...?