已婚男奉完(权海骁 饰)与在出版社工作的女人相爱,但最近两人分开了,他感到十分痛苦。这一天,奉完也像平时一样在夜色深沉的凌晨出了家门,到出版社去工作。但妻子发现了他的恋爱信件,追到了出版社。恰好雅凛(金敏喜 饰)到了出版社工作,奉完的妻子错以为雅凛就是那位与老公交往的女人。Bongwan, who runs a small publishing house in Seoul, wakes up early, very early this morning. Why is that so? To his wife who asks him for an explanation, Bongwan answers only elusively. He then sets off for work and while walking through the dark streets, he thinks of the woman who left him a month before. Later on, at the office, he meets Areum, his new secretary, a pretty young woman who takes on her first day of work. Meanwhile, at home, Bongwan's wife discovers a love poem written by him. She sees red and rushes like a fury into the publishing office. Mistaking poor Areum for her husband's mistress, she physically attacks her.