该剧根据2011年Star Jones(《视点》节目的原初主持人之一)撰写的畅销书改编,主要记叙《视点》节目的幕后故事。 《视点》是一档有着悠久历史的日间谈话节目,专门面向女性观众,而且主持人全都是女性。具体而言,《魔鬼姐妹》描述日间谈话节目《午餐时间》(The Lunch Hour,《视点》的虚拟版本)五个女主持人的工作和生活。每个工作日她们都要在一起讨论生活、爱情、家庭、政治和花边新闻,截然不同的性格和观点使得《午餐时间》节目产生一种「火星撞地球」的独特魅力。无论她们争吵得多么激烈,她们始终在镜头前将彼此当做好姐妹、好朋友。但是在幕后,一切都变了……姐妹情被永无休止的权力斗争、心魔、偷情、男人问题、猫斗和鸡尾酒所取代。(cr 天涯小筑)Inspired by the book Satan's Sisters written by Star Jones, one of the original co-hosts of The View, the series will chronicle the daily fireworks that erupt between the five female co-hosts of fictitious long-running talk show entitled "The Lunch Hour". On screen, they are best friends with five very different points of view, but behind the scenes, they inhabit a world of power struggles, cat fights and cocktails.