主演:有村架纯 泽村一树 木村佳乃 竹内凉真 古谷一行 峯田和伸 佐久间由衣 泉泽祐希 羽田美智子 柴田理惠 远山俊也 松尾谕 宫本信子 佐佐木藏之介 やついいちろう 佐藤仁美 磯村勇斗 龙星凉 和久井映见 松本穗香 藤野凉子 小岛藤子 八木优希 菅野美穗 伊藤沙莉
故事发生在1964年的日本东京,谷田部峰子(有村架纯 饰)出生在风景秀丽民风淳朴的小小山村之中,过着悠闲散漫,自由自在的生活。对于峰子来说,她的未来就是成为别人家的媳妇然后在操劳洒扫中度过平凡的一生,然而一场意外的发生颠覆了峰子对未来的全部设想。 高中三年级那一年,峰子那在东京打工补贴家用的父亲谷田部实(泽村一树 饰)突然失去了下落,音信全无,峰子如此这般的踏上了前往东京的寻父旅途。刚刚开完奥运会的东京经济十分低迷,找不到工作的峰子最终流落到了西餐厅铃振亭,成为了那里的厨师。在不断的接触到各种各样的顾客的过程中,峰子自身也取得了了不起的成长。The 17-year-old Yatabe Mineko grew up in a family of seven in a mountain village in northeastern Ibaraki Prefecture. Her father Minoru has gone to Tokyo to work in order to earn extra money. However, her life completely changes when her father does not come back for the New Year. Mineko asks her family to let her go to Tokyo to find him and promises to send money home. In the autumn of 1964, she and two childhood friends Tokiko and Mitsuo are hired to start working at a small factory in Tokyo's working class neighborhood. After work each day, Mineko searches for her father and gets disheartened at times. Mineko overcomes challenges and starts to lay down roots in Tokyo as she experiences many meetings and farewells amid the laughter and tears with regulars, people of the shopping street, friends, and colleagues. But will she be able to find her father?