主演:内森·菲利安 斯坦娜·卡蒂克 苏珊·沙利文 乔·胡尔特拉斯 希穆斯·德维 塔玛拉·琼斯 莫莉·奎恩 佩妮·约翰逊
从前有个畅销罪案小说作家,遇到了一位干练美丽的高妹警探,从此便如跟屁虫一般穿着写有“作家”的防弹背心跟随着她。他们一起办过不少奇异的案子,建筑工地的冰冻女尸啦,万圣节被木桩钉死的吸血鬼啦,性虐俱乐部谜团啦,再就是跟“绝望主妇”一起抓连环杀手,跟“英雄”一起反恐神马的。他俩眉来眼去,情深意切,却总是点到为止。第三季结尾,贝克特中枪,大叔那句我爱你会不会说得太迟呢?当然不迟——第四季的结尾他们终于……On his way to his wedding, Castle's Mercedes crashes and burns out. He however was dragged out, apparently kidnapped, disappears for weeks, but is found in drifting unconscious at sea with amnesia. A camera proves he at least helped stage and financed his abduction. The team starts doubting his sincerity, like FBI agent Connors. A soon as Castle is healthy enough to join the search, he proves evidence was planted against him.