Lights Out Asia - 2010 - In The Days Of Jupiter [FLAC]
主演:Jules Pélissier 安娜·吉拉多特 奥黛丽·巴斯蒂安 Selma El Mouissi 阿蒂尔·马泽 塞尔日·里亚布金 洛朗·代勒贝克 Yan Tassin 埃斯特万·卡瓦哈尔-阿莱格里亚 洛朗特·卡普洛托 Arthur de Donno Louis Farge Edith Proust Barthélémy Guillemard Catherine Beau Bernard Nissile Laetitia de Fombelle 爱丽丝·毕铎 让·菲利普·古德罗耶
故事发生在1992年的巴黎,在一场热闹盛大的狂欢结束之后,几个醉酒的年轻人在附近的树林里发现了一具尸体,这是当地的一所中学的学生,名叫西蒙,两周前,她宣告失踪,除了在教室里留下的一点血迹外,她没有遗落任何的线索。谁也不知道西蒙是怎么失踪的,亦不知道是自愿还是被迫,只知道再见到她时,她已经冰冷而僵硬了。 之后,班上的另一个女生也失踪了,这接二连三发生的失踪案件很快就在当地引起了轰动,一时间人心惶惶。到底发生了什么?之后失踪的女孩和西蒙真的像看起来那样毫无干系吗?是否有一个披了人皮的恶魔,正潜伏在城市宁静的表象之下呢?March 1992, in a small town in the suburbs of Paris. During an alcohol fueled party, teenagers discover a body hidden in the bushes of a forest. A body that seems lifeless. Two weeks earlier. Simon, a 16 year-old teenager, has not shown up for class. Blood stains are found in a class-room. Run-away, kidnap, suicide, murder? A few days later, Laetitia, a student from the same class goes missing without her parents knowing where she has gone. A young girl with no dark background or connection to Simon. The next day, Jean-Baptiste, a third student, also disappears. Rumors start to spread. The psychosis begins...