这部电影以1784-1789年为背景,讲述了杰斐逊在法国大革命前担任美国驻法国大使的经历。法国的自由主义者和知识分子希望他能带领他们远离路易十六和玛丽·安托瓦内特的宫廷的腐败,走向更民主的政府形式。虽然他对普通百姓的贫穷感到悲哀,但他却欣然接受了法国文化和文明的财富。这是他第一次出国,他利用这个机会扩展自己的人文和科学知识。One of the obsessive speculations in American history is whether Thomas Jefferson, in the years before he became president, had an affair with (and fathered a child with) his 15-year-old slave Sally Hemings. JEFFERSON IN PARIS follows Jefferson to France (as the U.S. ambassador to the court of Louis XVI), following the death of his wife his friendships and flirtations with the French, his relationship with his daughters and slaves from home (especially Sally), against the backdrop of the beginning of the French Revolution.