主演:艾丽西亚·希尔维斯通 凯文·狄龙 比尔·努恩
伊氏在本片扮演潦倒的记者,在迷失中随心所欲,甚至上了总编的老婆。 无辜的杀人犯即将被执行死刑,负责采访的女记者前一天却遇车祸身亡,总编发现了伊氏和老婆偷情的痕迹,于是让伊氏接过这个大家都不太想接手的采访。然而,有敏感直觉的记者觉得此案有冤情,在仅剩的离死刑执行前12小时过程中,伊氏看似糊里糊涂、却紧张有序的调查、采访过程逐步展开,在此过程中,他得以重新面对自己的过去和反省现在的状态,在为别人申冤的过程中,也获得了自我的救赎……Mary Giordano is a bright, intelligent student who goes to a catholic school. She also has a addiction to mystery novels and detective magazines (hence the title of the movie), which inspire her to do her own detective work. When she starts snooping around on the case of a murderer of teenage girls, it gets her in hot water with her mentor Detective Jerry Gunn. But it also starts a team up with police cadet Tony Campbell. The two work together to find the murderer. But the closer Mary gets to solving the murder, the more danger she puts herself in of being the next victim.