主演:尤利西斯·杜蒙特 胡立欧·查韦斯 Villanueva Cosse 罗莎娜·贝尔科 Ana María Giunta David Llewelyn 米格尔·德多维奇 Marilia Paranhos Ricardo Hamlin Rubén Patagonia Jesús Berenguer Fernando Bravo Rubén Szuchmacher
导演大卫•瓦斯(胡里奥•查维兹Julio Chávez饰)筹拍一部描绘阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚高原和阿劳卡尼亚大区传奇“国王”的电影。筹拍工作困难重重,但最难的是寻找一位最合适的国王扮演者。历经辛苦,全部演员终于敲定,剧组出发前往阿根廷南部的巴塔哥尼亚高原开始拍摄。但正当拍摄任务接近尾声之际,制片人突然撤走资金,众人也被借住的孤儿院扫地出门。大卫•瓦斯拖欠演员工资,却又执意要完成电影拍摄,逼得一直不离不弃的剧组经理阿图罗(尤利西斯•杜蒙特Ulises Dumont 饰)抓狂…… 本片是南美魔幻现实主义电影代表作之一,被选为八十年代阿根廷十大佳片,并获威尼斯电影节处女作银狮奖。Buenos Aires movie director, very fond of the legend of the King of Patagonia and Araucania, decides to make a movie about it. Despite of financial troubles, technical problems, misfortune and desertions, he undertakes the journey to Patagonia for the film with a second-rate actor company. Neglected by the producer and shortly after by the company, he will make the movie alone, in a surreal landscape like mad.