维克多(约翰·雷吉扎莫 John Leguizamo 饰)生活在车水马龙的大都市纽约,在这里,他经营着自己的毒品生意。维克多靠着贩卖一种名为“帝国”的毒品发家致富,过着奢靡无度的生活,与此同时,他还邂逅了名为卡门(丹妮丝·理查兹 Denise Richards 饰)的美丽女子,两人走到了一起。 卡门怀孕了,这让维克多开始意识到,自己不能够再靠着作奸犯科来赚钱了,他必须找到一个能够给他提供稳定收入但是又合理合法的行当。抱着这样的念头,维克多结识了银行家杰克(彼得·萨斯加德 Peter Sarsgaard 饰),在杰克的带领这下,维克多开始野心勃勃的向纽约上流社会进发。A big time drug dealer Victor Rosa is looking to get out of the game and sees his chance with a big deal and a new friend who happens to be a Wall St. stockbroker. Thinking this will be his chance to go out on top, Victor soon finds out that he has been double crossed and his last option is to get revenge.