主演:裘德·洛 珊迪·弗罗斯特 西恩·帕特维 乔纳森·普雷斯 肖恩·宾 玛丽安娜·菲斯福尔
英国街头混混缺少亲情,据地为主以寻求刺激为生活目标。比利与乔是一对情侣,平时以飙车打劫商店寻乐,却触犯了小帮派头子汤米,汤米威胁利诱想拉拢比利,年轻气盛的比利却不以为意,一心想骑到汤米头上证明自己。乔不想再这样过下去,想和比利远走高飞重新开始,比利却放不下争斗的心想打最后 一场漂亮的仗。汤米心知肚明拉拢不成便联络条子出卖比利,比利为最后一场硬仗付出了惨痛的代价。Lone group of teens, led by recently released joyrider and his disenchanted Belfast girlfriend, strives to leave their mark on "a British city in the near future" while attempting to avoid a rival gang. Scenes of joyriding and ram-raiding, which attempt to portray the addictiveness of fast driving whilst also showing the downside (the effect on the community and ultimately death)