老宋(高捷 饰)是一家小饭馆的小老板,因为欠了高利贷四处筹钱,某日他约了卖保险的朋友阿康在码头旁的一家小酒馆喝酒,想跟阿康借钱。一顿酒喝下来不仅没借到钱,老宋去后巷的厕所时还目击到了一场车祸。情急之下,老宋回去叫了阿康去救伤者,二人将伤者抬上车后却发现人早已断了气。二人害怕受牵连,就将尸体扔在了医院门口,并把证据都销毁了。债主平哥逼得越来越紧,为了能保住饭馆和女儿上大学的学费,老宋甚至想到自杀骗取保费的办法。在几次自杀未遂后,老宋眼看就要穷途末路,却意外发现平哥就是那位在小酒馆附近撞了人的肇事者,于是心生一计企图勒索平哥来还债……Song borrows a sum of money from Ping to run a noodle restaurant with his family. To take over Song's restaurant, Ping raises the interest which is impossible for Song to pay back. Just on the edge of desperation, Song witnesses a hit-and-run traffic accident. By finding out the person to blame, fortune seems to reverse in his favor, until his life gets irreversibly out of control and Song has to face the cruel facts that came upon him.