韩朝对峙时期,海岸线旁的两国军事状况高度紧张。 姜汉泽(张东健)是韩国海岸警备队尽职尽责的上等兵,他的职责是负责看守海岸线,以防可疑人士潜入。由于一心一意想抓间谍,他在工作时一丝不苟很是认真。某次,他将发现的可疑目标当场击毙,事后才知受害者不过是醉酒后与女友亲热的平民。自此,姜汉泽和受害者的女友美英(朴智娥)的生活进入绝境,两人心灵上都背上无法承受的重压,而此事件更影响到整个海岸警备队,尤其是该队成员金上士(金泰宇)。At South Korea's border with the North, troops guard the coast. Each bullies those ranking beneath him; tensions are high. PFC Kang and his friend Private Kim are on patrol when drinking youths jeer them. Two nights later, Kang follows orders, opening fire at a person who has infiltrated the border zone. It proves to be a young man, one from the earlier encounter, on a drunken tryst with his girlfriend, Mi-yeong. Kang is commended, yet horrified. Mi-yeong is unhinged. Kim tries to hold onto friendship, duty, and his humanity. While Kang retreats into bizarre behavior and violence, Mi-yeong becomes easy prey to soldiers. Sickness is all.