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分类:动作 奇幻 冒险  美国 2020

简介: 故事背景设定在五光十色、充满诱惑的80年代,神奇女侠戴安娜在华盛顿的自然历史博物 详情


神奇女侠1984影评:You must see the truth

You must see the truth of yourself.

Of the world.

Of everything.

And truth is all.

There is nothing more other than truth.

Truth is beautiful.

And truth is enough.

You can’t have it all.

You can only have the truth.

And that is enough.

Not always want for more, always wish for more.

You can’t have it all.

There is no more for you.

You’ve already had enough.

Even it’s not the way we want it, the way we imagine it to be.

But we’ve already had many, all these things.

Truth is what matters, and truth is important.

Truth is love.

Love didn’t come from greatness.

Love is greatness , love forms greatness.

You don’t need to be great to be loved.

You never need to wish to be loved.

You are already loved.

You don’t have to make me proud. I already love you , Daddy.

You are my dad.

You don’t need to be perfect, to be strong to be loved. You don’t have to earn it. You just need to be you. The real you. The true you.

And you must love yourself.

So you could let everybody love you. Let the world love you. It already does, only you don’t know it. Or all those wanting blind you.

Since the ground support us, since the sky embrace us. Since the air breathe in us. How can we not be loved? Already ?

We are the impossibility in an impossible world. (注)

How the universe love us? To breed us. To feed us.

Let that in.

Every time you breathe, every time you look at the sky. Remember that, we are so, so very much already, being loved.

The little place settled us in. This little spot that we fit right in. Our own little space, a position for you, always.

Nobody take it from you. Only you give it up.

I like the weakness Wonder Woman have showed. She’s in love, but it wasn’t love that weakened her. It was the resistance of the truth.

He’s already gone.

Never wanted anything else.

And it’s no shame to be weak for Love.

For there is no true weakness in love. Only power. Love can’t be weakness. It’s not real weakness. Real strong born from it.

Weak, but strong.

Vulnerable, but truly strong.

Because she sees the truth.

He’s already gone.

And that is the truth.

And truth won’t hurt. Truth never harm us. Only our rejecting, our fear, our escape, our struggle harmed us. We clutch to hold on, tight. But see, didn’t even leave a scratch on the sky, or the universe, only scars all over us.

There is love, but we must see the truth, and accept it. That’s how we won’t do it by wrong, we do it by truth.

You’ll have to let go.

Because you are not the only one that was hurt, that was afraid, was weak, who wants the world to be a little different . We all do. We all want things to be like what we want it to be. Better. Happier. More popular. More love. More. We want more. But it’s not true. Only illusions. Only desires. And only lies.

You can’t have more. You’ve already had it all. You’ve already had enough. You’ve already had everything you could ever have. You’ve already had the truth. And truth is enough. So stop keeping want it all, always wanting for more. But look at what you’ve already had. All these beautiful things, and it’s beautiful. The world is, the truth, and it means, you are. You are already beautiful, tiny little, vulnerable but strong creatures. Unique, one and only, that you are.

And that is the truth. Truth is all that is.

The world will be prepared for what you are capable of, for what you can do. Can you be prepared for that as well ? For your truth, your truly self? That beautiful and unique and complete self. To be as you. To act as you. To love as you. To live as you.

Can you?

And no fear for truth. For truth is good. You are good. The world is good. Enough.

Truth will strengthen you, it empowers you.

Just let in.

No true hero is born from lies.

It’s not shame to be unprepared to win.

Only in knowing the truth in the heart and accepting it.

And she is now my shero.

注:We are an impossibility in an impossible world.

By Ray Bradbury

Read from Tide, not from me.


大可 • 1984
阿诺 • MY TURN
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