Bonifácio - O Fundador do Brasil(2018)

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Bonifácio - O Fundador do Brasil

分类:纪录片  巴西  2018 2018-06-06(巴西)葡萄牙语

主演:Marina Andrada,Olavo de Carvalho,Pedro Callapez,Paulo Lopes,

导演:Mauro Ventura

Douglas Lobo/Felipe Oquendo/Fernando Ferreira Jr./Leonardo Batista Santos


OK影视为您提供2018年由Marina Andrada Olavo de Carvalho Pedro Callapez Paulo Lopes Rafael Nogueira Arlindo Salgueiro Sérgio Pachá 主演,Mauro Ventura 导演的《Bonifácio - O Fundador do Brasil》电影在线观看,《Bonifácio - O Fundador do Brasil》百度云网盘资源以及《Bonifácio - O Fundador do Brasil》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Bonifácio - O Fundador do Brasil》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:The documentary of Mauro Ventura presents - more than a biographical report - the formation and development process of the personality of one of the most important Brazilians in history: José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva. The film uses as an investigative axis the "Theory of the Layers of Personality", by philosopher Olavo de Carvalho, to go beyond what our textbooks usually show. The narrative leads the patriarch's spectrum in a revisit of his trajectory and adventures seeking to capture the unity of the character's life by focusing on the centers of attention that prevailed in the various stages of his existence and advancing towards his own fate and transcendence. Bonifácio was a scientist, philosopher, strategist and a war hero; this is the complex character that this production reveals to the public.


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