燕赵大战,燕王受重伤,大将慕容雪虎(甄子丹 饰)临危受命。燕帅(郭晓冬 饰)因妒生恨,弑君谋位。大王惨死,举国悲恸,根据大王遗愿,欲传皇位于慕容将军,而燕帅多有阻挠。情急之下,大王之位只能传于手持大燕传国之宝——飞燕刃的公主燕飞儿(陈慧琳 饰),慕容将军尽忠职守,全力训练燕飞儿。不料公主离奇失踪,飞虎将军难辞其咎。燕飞儿被燕帅派出的杀手追杀并身中毒箭,幸被隐士段兰泉(黎明 饰)所救,一时难以回营。此时燕帅排除异己,欲自立为王。燕飞儿不久后回营却正值赵兵进犯之时,而燕帅为求王印,按兵不动。前有劲敌压境,后有逆臣虎视眈眈,公主带领众将生擒赵王父子,却放他们返回赵国。燕帅称王不成反受到惩罚,燕飞儿登基在即却放弃王位,传位于慕容雪虎后返回山林找段兰泉过起神仙眷侣般的生活。燕帅并没有善罢甘休,又一场血雨腥风的笼罩在风雨飘摇的大燕国上空……Can a kingdom change its nature? Yan, one of the Ten Kingdoms, is constantly at war. Yan's emperor dies from a battle wound and a general's treachery. His successor is unclear: his daughter Feier, who would be the kingdom's first empress; his favorite, Xuehu, a warrior of noble heart but not noble blood; and, Hu Ba, the ambitious traitor. Xuehu is Feier's protector and teaches her how to be a warrior queen. Hu's followers plot her failure, first in a kidnapping plot, then in a coup. Feier is saved from the kidnap attempt by Duan Lanquan, an ingenious hermit with a shrouded past. He treats her wound and gives her a vision of a different kind of kingdom. Can his dream become hers?