丧失仁义、嗜财如命的剑琢磨(千葉真一 饰)是一个堕落的格斗家,他成为赏金杀手,干着收人钱财替人消灾的营生。冲绳空手道家志坚原楯城(石橋雅史 饰)因杀人被判处死刑,他的弟弟义顺(千葉治郎 饰)和妹妹奈智(志穂美悦子 饰)雇用琢磨营救兄长。成功得手的琢磨因不满酬劳过少而杀害义顺,更将奈智卖给黑帮头目牟田口连藏(渡辺文雄 饰)作妓女。 某石油大亨病故,将万贯家财留给独女茶莱(中島ゆたか 饰)。牟田口与香港黑帮五龙会勾结图谋茶莱的遗产,并雇用琢磨从事绑架。琢磨与牟田口、五龙会在佣金方面谈判破裂,大打出手,于是转而自荐担当茶莱的保镖。另一方面,流落香港的楯城得知两个弟妹的遭遇,遂投奔五龙会决心向琢磨展开复仇……©豆瓣Terry is a tough, mercenary, master of martial arts. When an important business magnate dies, leaving billions to his daughter, the Mafia and Yakuza try to hire Terry to kidnap the daughter. When they refuse to meet his exorbitant price, then try to kill him to conceal their secret plans, he promptly offers his services to protect her. Much ultra-violent martial-arts fighting action, as expected, ensues. This also includes a subplot of a family's bloodfeud with Terry over a disputed debt.