简介:How small, idealistic, Finnish company, Nokia, became the global leader in cell phone technology onlHow small, idealistic, Finnish company, Nokia, became the global leader in cell phone technology only to become drunk with success, lose its visionary style of leadership and completely fail to predict the rise of its death knell, iPhone.详情
MyDevice出来的时候是真的震惊了 以前人们说大家都只记得第一个登上月球的是阿姆斯特朗 世界第一高峰是珠穆朗玛峰 但划时代的名头却被iPhone抢了去 唏嘘不已
北欧语听到后来头大得想砸电脑(喂 就觉得英国小哥说得很值得思考啊,在水果出来之后每天给手机充电和不敢砸手机就成为了新的常识而以前不是这样的。