迪恩·斯潘雷Dean Spanley(2008)

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Dean Spanley又名:My Talks with Dean Spanley

分类:剧情 喜剧  新西兰   2008 2008-09-06英语

主演:Jeremy Northam,Sam Neill,Bryan Brown,Peter O'Toole

导演:Toa Fraser

Alan Sharp


OK影视为您提供2008年由Jeremy Northam Sam Neill Bryan Brown Peter O'Toole 主演,Toa Fraser 导演的《迪恩·斯潘雷》/原名《Dean Spanley》/又名《My Talks with Dean Spanley》电影在线观看,《迪恩·斯潘雷》百度云网盘资源以及《迪恩·斯潘雷》高清mp4迅雷下载,《迪恩·斯潘雷》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

电影发生在爱德华时代的英国。老费斯克(Peter O'Toole)是个脾气古怪的老头,他的小儿子在战争中去世了,妻子由于哀痛也在不久去世,风烛残年的Fisk老人

Plot Summary:Each Thursday, a man approaching middle age calls upon his father, aged, caustic, nihilistic, and emotionally distant, perhaps from the loss of a son in the Boer War and his wife soon after. On this day, the son suggests they attend a visiting guru's lecture on the transmigration of souls. There they chat with a vicar and a soldier of fortune; dinner follows. Over glasses of Hungarian Tokay, the vicar, Dean Spanley, tells a story of friendship, freedom, and reincarnation. In what earthly way could this tale connect father and son?




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