突变种系Mutant Species(1995)

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Mutant Species

分类:科幻 恐怖  美国  1995 1995-01-19英语

主演:Leo Rossi,Ted Prior,Denise Crosby

导演:David A. Prior

David A. Prior/William S. Vigil


OK影视为您提供1995年由Leo Rossi Ted Prior Denise Crosby 主演,David A. Prior 导演的《突变种系》/原名《Mutant Species》电影在线观看,《突变种系》百度云网盘资源以及《突变种系》高清mp4迅雷下载,《突变种系》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

一枚含有生物危险物质的火箭,将在偏远的林地上发射进入太空。 派出一支军队收回。 其中一个人被感染并变成一个怪物,杀死了大部分的队伍。 一个人在一个生活在树林里的

Plot Summary:A rocket containing bio-hazardous material to be disposed of by launching into space crashes in a remote wooded area. An army team is sent to recover it. One of the men is infected and mutates into a monster, killing most of the rest of the team. One man escapes with the help of a brother & sister who live in the woods. He then tries to stop his former buddy, while also fighting against another army team sent in to destroy everything. The bio-material was supposed to create a super-soldier, was banned, and the crash of the rocket appears to have been deliberate so the experiment could proceed. But who is behind it all? And will others be infected?







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