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大理公主又名:Da Li Princess

分类:剧情 爱情 战争  中国大陆  2009 汉语普通话



蒋丹 Dan Jiang/黄奕


OK影视为您提供2009年由林心如 刘涛 王斑 樊志起 徐僧 金顺子 高宝宝 宋芮宁 曹艳 主演,蒲藤晋 导演的《大理公主》/又名《Da Li Princess》影视在线观看,《大理公主》百度云网盘资源以及《大理公主》高清mp4迅雷下载,《大理公主》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

段艾月(林心如 饰)是含着金汤匙出生的千金大小姐,而杨阿细(刘涛 饰)的母亲杨玉姣不过是平凡的穷苦农妇,一场瘟疫让这两个性格和身份都截然不同的女孩相遇了,她们的

Plot Summary:On the eve of the 1911 Revolution, a time of troubles, Nan Shan Zhuang owner Yang [should be Duan] Muhai is making preparations for the fire/flare festival. Muhai is very wealthy. With the help of the Qing government looted people's wealth, his family lives in extravagance. Muhai's favorite is the youngest daughter Ai Yue, bright and intelligent, very understanding towards others but she is very clear on the lines of love and hate, she is not like other family members always ordering people around, shouting at the servants. Enmity developed between Ai Yue and servant girl Ah-Ci due to a small matter. Ah-Ci is a silly girl, no matter the time of day she likes to dance with bamboo pole and smoke box, sings folk songs. Her singing infected/influenced Ai Yue, always being mischievous with Ah-Ci. At the fire/flare festival is a handsome bright young fellow named Liu Bo En and Long Chulai, four young people meeting each other, get along very quickly. Ai Yue gradually falls for Bo En, but ...






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