希特勒的子孙们Hitler's Children(2011)

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Hitler's Children又名:希特勒的孩子

分类:纪录片  以色列  2011 2011-09-21(荷兰) / 2012-03-10(捷克共和国) / 2012-10-18(美国)英语 , 德语

主演:Bettina Goering,Katrin Himmler,Rainer Hoess,Eldad Beck,Monik

导演:Chanoch Zeevi


OK影视为您提供2011年由Bettina Goering Katrin Himmler Rainer Hoess Eldad Beck Monika Goeth Adi Goering Yael Bedarshi 主演,Chanoch Zeevi 导演的《希特勒的子孙们》/原名《Hitler's Children》/又名《希特勒的孩子》电影在线观看,《希特勒的子孙们》百度云网盘资源以及《希特勒的子孙们》高清mp4迅雷下载,《希特勒的子孙们》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Bettina Göring is the great-niece of Nazi official Hermann Göring. Katrin Himmler is the great-niece of Heinrich Himmler, second in command of the Nazi Party under Adolf Hitler. Rainer Höß is the grandson of Rudolf Hoess, creator and commandant of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Niklas Frank is the son of Hans Frank, Polish Governor-General during WWII, he who was responsible for the ghettos and concentration camps in Nazi occupied Poland. Monika Hertwig is the daughter of Amon Goeth, commandant of the Plaszów Concentration Camp. None with Nazi leanings, the five talk individually about what it is like to carry a name associated with the Nazi Party, being a blood relative to someone associated with hate and murder, being German at a time when that in and of itself was seen as being associated with Naziism, dealing with their family regardless of their allegiance to the Nazi Party, and if they feel any guilt associated with the actions of their infamous ancestor. In addition to these...







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