罗伯特玩偶的复仇The Revenge of Robert the Doll(2018)

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The Revenge of Robert the Doll又名:The Legend of Robert the Doll

分类:恐怖  英国  2018 2018-03-06(英国)英语

主演:Lee Bane,Harriet Rees,Judith Haley


安德鲁·斯图尔特-琼斯 Andrew Stewart-Jones


OK影视为您提供2018年由Lee Bane Harriet Rees Judith Haley 主演,安德鲁·琼斯 导演的《罗伯特玩偶的复仇》/原名《The Revenge of Robert the Doll》/又名《The Legend of Robert the Doll》电影在线观看,《罗伯特玩偶的复仇》百度云网盘资源以及《罗伯特玩偶的复仇》高清mp4迅雷下载,《罗伯特玩偶的复仇》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:In Nazi Germany, a Toymaker takes possession of a mystical book which gives life to the inanimate. After evading the SS, who are under orders from Hitler to retrieve the book, the Toymaker boards a train in an attempt to flee the country. Thinking he's in the clear, the Toymaker soon discovers that a group of high ranking Nazi officers are also on board. Eventually his secret is revealed and the Nazis close in. But the Toymaker has already used the magical tome to bring a vintage doll called Robert to life - and Robert will stop at nothing to protect his master. So begins a blood soaked battle aboard the train as the Toymaker and the killer doll take on the Nazis. It's a fight to the death and only the victor will get off at the next stop.






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