艾莉丝是谁Who Is Alice(2017)

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Who Is Alice

分类:喜剧  荷兰  2017 2017-09-07(Netherlands)英语

主演:Keith Ackerman,Ali Bastian,Maurizio Benazzo,Lee Brace,Elkie

导演:Ismael Lotz,Robert van den Broek

Paul Smit


OK影视为您提供2017年由Keith Ackerman Ali Bastian Maurizio Benazzo Lee Brace Elkie Deadman David Fahm 主演,Ismael Lotz Robert van den Broek 导演的《艾莉丝是谁》/原名《Who Is Alice》电影在线观看,《艾莉丝是谁》百度云网盘资源以及《艾莉丝是谁》高清mp4迅雷下载,《艾莉丝是谁》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:'Who is Alice' carries us on a darkly funny, compelling and sometimes cringe worthy journey into the highs and lows of what human beings will do to try to avoid pain and connect to happiness. Alice is a 35 year old actress desperately hanging on to her 'new young thing' career. She is willing to sacrifice almost everything in order to reach the top and this mind-bending story takes us down the rabbit hole with her. Alice meets Dick, a car salesman who is disillusioned with life and dreaming about becoming a spiritual teacher. Together with a renegade cast of misfit characters they hilariously and awkwardly tie themselves in knots as they find their 'way'. And where does that 'way' lead them? ... To exactly where they are supposed to be. 'Who is Alice' uses humor guided by the a little non-dual thinking to help us look at ourselves and life in a different way. If the insight strikes, your whole perspective can change, while 'in reality' nothing has to change.





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