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天乩之白蛇传说又名:天乩之白蛇青蛇 / 白蛇青蛇 / 许仙

分类:剧情 爱情 古装  中国大陆  2018 汉语普通话



李定桦/刘娅 Ya Liu/李真如


OK影视为您提供2018年由杨紫 任嘉伦 茅子俊 李曼 刘学义 何杜娟 傅方俊 朱晓渔 何中华 王劲松 张墨锡 赵文浩 白凯南 何琳 刘嘉玲 赵雅芝 主演,尹涛 刘国辉 导演的《天乩之白蛇传说》/又名《天乩之白蛇青蛇 / 白蛇青蛇 / 许仙》影视在线观看,《天乩之白蛇传说》百度云网盘资源以及《天乩之白蛇传说》高清mp4迅雷下载,《天乩之白蛇传说》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Zi Xuan is the disciple of the Green Emperor and he specializes in medicine and is cultivating to become a deity. He meets a little white snake, whom he nicknamed Xiao Bai, and kept as a pet. Over the course of time, Xiao Bai gathered enough cultivation to transform into a human, and she eventually grows closer to Zi Xuan and developed a close/intimate relationship with him. While trying to find a herb that would save Zi Xuan's life after he is injured, she accidentally breaks a heavenly seal at the elixir chamber of Mount Jiuxi and releases an ancient beast, the black water dragon from imprisonment to the human world. To save the world, Zi Xuan sacrifices himself and disintegrates, but before he fades, he gives Xiao Bai a proper name: Bai Yaoyao. After Zi Xuan's death, Bai Yaoyao is devastated and decides to retreat from the world. A thousand years pass by and they meet again. Zi Xuan, now reborn as Xu Xian, who is the chief of the Yao Shi Palace (medicine valley), remembers nothing of his and Bai YaoYao's past. However, she remembers everything and she tries to ensure that he lives a peaceful life.




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