地平线系列:人造恒星可能吗?Horizon: Can We Make a Star on Earth(2009)

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Horizon: Can We Make a Star on Earth

分类:未知 英国  2009 2009-02-17英语


导演:Gideon Bradshaw


OK影视为您提供2009年由布莱恩·考克斯 主演,Gideon Bradshaw 导演的《地平线系列:人造恒星可能吗?》/原名《Horizon: Can We Make a Star on Earth》电影在线观看,《地平线系列:人造恒星可能吗?》百度云网盘资源以及《地平线系列:人造恒星可能吗?》高清mp4迅雷下载,《地平线系列:人造恒星可能吗?》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Brian Cox 教授進行一次全球旅行去尋找未來能量來源. 稱作「核聚變」,給太陽和宇宙中其他星球提供燃料. 儘管超過50年的努力,科學家們還是不能夠成功地利

Plot Summary:Professor Brian Cox takes a global journey in search of the energy source of the future. Called nuclear fusion, it is the process that fuels the sun and every other star in the universe. Yet despite over five decades of effort, scientists have been unable to get even a single watt of fusion electricity onto the grid. Brian returns to Horizon to find out why. Granted extraordinary access to the biggest and most ambitious fusion experiments on the planet, Brian travels to the USA to see a high security fusion bomb testing facility in action and is given a tour of the world's most powerful laser. In South Korea, he clambers inside the reaction chamber of K-Star, the world's first super-cooled, super-conducting fusion reactor where the fate of future fusion research will be decided.







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