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我只喜欢你又名:我不喜欢这世界我只喜欢你 / Le Coup de Foudre

分类:剧情 爱情  中国大陆  2019 汉语普通话



明远 Yuan Ming/勺子 Zi Shao


OK影视为您提供2019年由吴倩 张雨剑 赵志伟 马栗 安戈 谢雨桐 强巴才丹 主演,王之 导演的《我只喜欢你》/又名《我不喜欢这世界我只喜欢你 / Le Coup de Foudre》影视在线观看,《我只喜欢你》百度云网盘资源以及《我只喜欢你》高清mp4迅雷下载,《我只喜欢你》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

赵乔一(吴倩 饰)和言默(张雨剑 饰)是高中同桌,他们一个性格大大咧咧迷迷糊糊,另一个则是学校里有名的冷血学霸。就是这样两个性格大相径庭的人,暧昧的情愫在他们之

Plot Summary:Zhao Qiao Yi and Yan Mo are classmates in high school. One is a bad student and the other a top student. Although they don't seem to have anything in common, they make a promise on the day before graduation to go study abroad together. But due to an unforeseen incident in Qiao Yi's family, she can't keep the promise and the two lose contact. Four years later, they meet again at their first class reunion. Qiao Yi finally admits her own feelings and decides to move to where Yan Mo lives in order to pursue him, but has to discover that there is already someone by his side. Yan Mo, though, secretly does a lot of things for Qiao Yi. While nobody can rival him when it comes to studying or working, he is unable to express his feelings. Will the two find together in the end?





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