At the House of Madness

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At the House of Madness

分类:未知 美国  未知2008英语


导演:Steve Sessions

Steve Sessions


OK影视为您提供由未知 主演,Steve Sessions 导演的《At the House of Madness》电影在线观看,《At the House of Madness》百度云网盘资源以及《At the House of Madness》高清mp4迅雷下载,《At the House of Madness》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:In the spirit of " (1965)," AT THE HOUSE OF MADNESS is a new "old" horror movie, complete with print damage, bad splices (drinking game, anyone?), and a preview for a movie that doesn't exist. Sarah thinks her home is built on is cursed soil and previous uncanny events that transpired within it's walls seem to bear this out. Like the woman who discovers a locked book of spells and finds murder the only key to open it. Or the strange man and his ventriloquist dummy, neither of which are what they appear. Or worse still, what happens to Sarah when she appeals to the patron saint of home-selling to try and get away from the horrors that dwell . . . AT THE HOUSE OF MADNESS.


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