夜迷情Night Shift(1982)

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Night Shift又名:夜班 / 销魂大夜班 / 情牵一生梦

分类:喜剧  美国  1982 1982-07-30英语

主演:亨利·温克勒,迈克尔·基顿,谢莉·朗,吉娜·赫特,Pat Corley,博比·迪奇科,妮塔塔尔博特,Basil Hoff


Babaloo Mandel/Lowell Ganz


OK影视为您提供1982年由亨利·温克勒 迈克尔·基顿 谢莉·朗 吉娜·赫特 Pat Corley 博比·迪奇科 妮塔塔尔博特 Basil Hoffman 蒂姆·罗索维奇 克林特·霍华德 乔·斯皮内尔 Cheryl Carter Becky Gonzalez Corki Grazer Jaid Barrymore 欧拉·蕾 卡桑德拉·加瓦 米密·利伯 Ashley Cox 珍妮·莫里 莫妮卡·加布里埃尔 理查德·贝尔泽 巴贾·乔拉 Marc Flanagan 比务·比林格斯勒拉 凯文·罗德尼·沙利文 格兰德·L·布什 Julius LeFlore 里德·克鲁克香克斯 查尔斯·弗莱舍 Tom Mahoney 文森特·斯卡维利 杰克·帕金斯 Paul S. Kaufman Hugo Napier 凯文·科斯特纳 莎侬·多赫提 John Milton Branton Larry Gamell Jr. 谢丽尔·霍华德 朗·霍华德 William Magerman 迈克尔·帕塔奇 Darcel Wynne 主演,朗·霍华德 导演的《夜迷情》/原名《Night Shift》/又名《夜班 / 销魂大夜班 / 情牵一生梦》电影在线观看,《夜迷情》百度云网盘资源以及《夜迷情》高清mp4迅雷下载,《夜迷情》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

恰克(亨利·温克勒 Henry Winkler 饰)拥有一份非常特殊的职业——停尸房管理员。之前是白班的他被调整到了夜班的岗位之上,这也就意味着,他必须和自己最

Plot Summary:A nebbish of a morgue attendant gets shunted back to the night shift where he is shackled with an obnoxious neophyte partner who dreams of the "one great idea" for success. His life takes a bizarre turn when a prostitute neighbour complains about the loss of her pimp. His partner, upon hearing the situation, suggests that they fill that opening themselves using the morgue at night as their brothel. Against his better judgement, he gets talked into the idea, only to find that it's more than his boss that has objections to this bit of entrepreneurship.





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