独生女Her Only Child(2008)

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Her Only Child

分类:剧情 悬疑 惊悚  美国  2008 2008-03-22英语

主演:Nicholle Tom,Gwynyth Walsh,Cameron Daddo

导演:Douglas Jackson

Christine Conradt


OK影视为您提供2008年由Nicholle Tom Gwynyth Walsh Cameron Daddo 主演,Douglas Jackson 导演的《独生女》/原名《Her Only Child》电影在线观看,《独生女》百度云网盘资源以及《独生女》高清mp4迅雷下载,《独生女》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Lily, 31, is an average woman with an average life. She's pretty, friendly, and does well at her job as a claims analyst for an insurance company. But there's one facet of Lily's life that just isn't normal-her mother. A couple years ago, Lily moved back in with her mother Inez, 60, to help take care of her when she was sick. Now that she's there, Inez is not about to let her leave. Lonely and bitter after her own husband left her years ago, Inez feels that Lily is the only person she has left in the world and has tangled such a web of guilt and lies around Lily, the young woman is scared to leave. Inez does everything she can-even going to extremes-to sabotage any relationship Lily tries to have... especially with men. Unfortunately for Inez, Lily begins dating a guy at work, Larry, 40, who is seemingly perfect for her. Fearing her daughter will soon leave to 'have her own life,' Inez realizes she must pull out the big guns to make sure Lily and Larry never end up together.





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