杀死凯伯斯Matando Cabos(2004)

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Matando Cabos

分类:喜剧 动作 惊悚 犯罪 冒险  墨西哥  2004 2004-07-16西班牙语

主演:小佩得罗·阿蒙达里兹Pedro Altamirano Tony Dalton Alejandro Galán Krist

导演:亚历桑德罗·拉扎诺,Alejandro Lozano


OK影视为您提供2004年由小佩得罗·阿蒙达里兹Pedro Altamirano Tony Dalton Alejandro Galán Kristoff 主演,亚历桑德罗·拉扎诺 Alejandro Lozano 导演的《杀死凯伯斯》/原名《Matando Cabos》电影在线观看,《杀死凯伯斯》百度云网盘资源以及《杀死凯伯斯》高清mp4迅雷下载,《杀死凯伯斯》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

凯博思(小佩德罗·阿门达雷兹 Pedro Armendáriz Jr. 饰)是一个冷酷无情,唯利是图的商人,他的眼中只有利益没有感情,因此得罪了很多人,树敌无数

Plot Summary:In Mexico City, the powerful and violent magnate of steel Oscar Cabos catches his daughter Paulina having sex with her boyfriend and his employee Javier "Jaque" and he works Jaque over. On the next day, Jaque pays a visit to Cabos in his office and the angry man comes with a golf club to hit Jaque again. However, Cabos accidentally trips on a golf ball, falls on the floor and faints. Jaque calls his best friend Mudo to help him, but the janitor Nacho finds his boss fainted on the floor and he steals and dresses himself with Cabos' clothes and jewels. Meanwhile, Nacho's son Botcha and his friend Nico have planned to kidnap Cabos and they are waiting for him in the parking garage. When he walks in the parking garage, the two kidnappers hit him on the back of the head, believing that he is Cabos, they cover his head with a bag. They head with the abducted man to the house of Botcha's girlfriend Lula. Meanwhile, Jaque and Mudo calls their wrestler friend Ruben "Mascarita" and his midget partner Tony 'El Canibal' to help them to get rid of Cabos in his birthday party. But both plans do not work well along the night.



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