恐怖大师 第二季Masters Of Horror(2006)

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Masters Of Horror又名:恐怖大师

分类:惊悚 恐怖  美国  2006 英语

主演:George Wendt,Haley Guiel,Matt Keeslar,Meredith Monroe

导演:John Landis

米克·加里斯 Mick Garris/克里夫·巴克 Clive Barker


OK影视为您提供2006年由George Wendt Haley Guiel Matt Keeslar Meredith Monroe 主演,John Landis 导演的《恐怖大师 第二季》/原名《Masters Of Horror》/又名《恐怖大师》电影在线观看,《恐怖大师 第二季》百度云网盘资源以及《恐怖大师 第二季》高清mp4迅雷下载,《恐怖大师 第二季》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

恐怖片导演米克·加利斯(Mick Garris)一手缔造的“恐怖大师”系列强势回归Showtime频道,第二季延请了丝毫不逊于第一季的豪华恐怖导演阵容,势要将尖

Plot Summary:Rob Hanisey is an aspiring author who moves into a large boarding house called Highberger House, a place where struggling writers live until their works become published. While trying to write his first book, a horror thriller, Rob has repeated encounters with a mysterious young woman named Valerie who pleads wit him to save her from a unseen force. But Rob's neighbors, including the elderly and eccentric writer Everett seem to know more than what they are letting on about who (or what) Valerie really is.


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