扒手莫扎特Le Mozart des Pickpockets(2006)

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Le Mozart des Pickpockets又名:扒手艺术家 / The Mozart of Pickpockets

分类:喜剧 短片 犯罪  法国  2006 2006-05-14法语 , 西班牙语

主演:Matteo Razzouki-Safardi,菲利普·波利特·威拉德,Richard Morgiève,萨米尔·盖丝米


Philippe Pollet-Villard


OK影视为您提供2006年由Matteo Razzouki-Safardi 菲利普·波利特·威拉德 Richard Morgiève 萨米尔·盖丝米 Emiliano Suarez 主演,菲利普·波利特·威拉德 导演的《扒手莫扎特》/原名《Le Mozart des Pickpockets》/又名《扒手艺术家 / The Mozart of Pickpockets》电影在线观看,《扒手莫扎特》百度云网盘资源以及《扒手莫扎特》高清mp4迅雷下载,《扒手莫扎特》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

理查德(Richard Morgiève 饰)和菲利浦(Philippe Pollet-Villard 饰)是法国巴黎街头两个游手好闲之徒,他们组织西班牙扒手进

Plot Summary:Richard and Philippe live hand to mouth, backing up a gang of Spanish pickpockets on the streets of Paris, posing as policemen who arrest a gang member while the others rifle the pockets and purses of gawkers. When all of the gang except Richard and Philippe are pinched, things look grim. Plus, Richard insists that they take in a wide-eyed immigrant lad, a deaf-mute left behind in the arrests. Philippe suggests a three-person pickpocket trick, using the boy, but when that goes spectacularly badly, they hit rock bottom. Then, at the cinema, the lad finds a solution. It's time to celebrate.





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