恐怖大师 第一季Masters of Horror(2005)

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Masters of Horror

分类:惊悚 恐怖  美国  2005 英语

主演:Lori Petty,Lindsay Pulsipher,Jesse Haddock,William Samples


Sean Hood/路克·马克 Lucky McKee


OK影视为您提供2005年由Lori Petty Lindsay Pulsipher Jesse Haddock William Samples 主演,三池崇史 导演的《恐怖大师 第一季》/原名《Masters of Horror》电影在线观看,《恐怖大师 第一季》百度云网盘资源以及《恐怖大师 第一季》高清mp4迅雷下载,《恐怖大师 第一季》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

本套剧集最初创意来自于恐怖片导演米克•加利斯(Mick Garris),2002年他和一众业内同好在加州共餐。席间他们相谈甚欢,惺惺相惜。在此之后,加利斯召集席

Plot Summary:The lonely, shy and lesbian etymologist Ida Teeter of The McNaughton Museum of Natural History is obsessed by her "pets", actually her collection of insects. She works with her colleague and friend Max, also her advisor in sexual behavior. Ida receives an anonymous package from Brazil with an unclassified insect but the weird bug breaks free from the box. Meanwhile Ida falls in love for the gorgeous Misty Falls, who is bitten and infected by the bug and moves to Ida's apartment. When Ida receives letters from her former Professor Malcolm Wolf explaining how the insect reproduces and transforms the animals he bites, Ida is apprehensive about Misty.


恐怖大师 第一季下载

Masters.Of.Horror - Sick Girl BDRip 720p Ita Eng x

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