千年之恋之源氏物语千年の恋 ひかる源氏物語(2001)

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千年の恋 ひかる源氏物語又名:千年之恋 源氏物语 / Genji: A Thousand-Year Love / Sennen no koi - Hikaru Genji monogatari

分类:剧情 爱情 音乐 传记 历史  日本  2001 2001-12-15日语



早坂暁 Akira Hayasaka


OK影视为您提供2001年由天海祐希 常盘贵子 吉永小百合 主演,崛川顿幸 导演的《千年之恋之源氏物语》/原名《千年の恋 ひかる源氏物語》/又名《千年之恋 源氏物语 / Genji: A Thousand-Year Love / Sennen no koi - Hikaru Genji monogatari》电影在线观看,《千年之恋之源氏物语》百度云网盘资源以及《千年之恋之源氏物语》高清mp4迅雷下载,《千年之恋之源氏物语》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

故事发生在千年之前的越前国,紫氏部(吉永小百合 饰)嫁给比自己大很多的丈夫,生下女儿贤子。丈夫婚后不久就去世,紫氏一直过着孀居的生活并开始创作小说《源氏物语》。

Plot Summary:Based on the ancient Japanese Tale of Genji. This film is set in 900AD and tells the story of a famous female writer of the time, Murasaki Shikibu. Her story begins from the death of her husband, a Japanese noble, then moves on to her recruitment to train the Prince's young 'wives in waiting'. It is dotted throughout and actually composed mainly of one of the fictional stories she wrote, the tale of Genji. Genji is a rich playboy who falls in love and has a son to his stepmother. He falls in love often and has many wives whom are all completely subservient to him. Genji is played by a woman actress from the all-female Takarazuka theatre. The two interrelating stories are also interrupted occasionally by fantasimical musical clips from a past Japanese teen-idol, Seiko Matsuda.




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