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怪談又名:奇谈 / Kwaidan / Ghost Stories

分类:剧情 恐怖 奇幻  日本  1964 1964-12-29(日本)日语





OK影视为您提供1964年由新珠三千代 渡边美佐子 三国连太郎 石山健二郎 赤木兰子 北原文枝 松本克平 仲代达矢 岸惠子 望月優子 菅井琴 千石规子 野村昭子 平田昭彦 浜村淳 中村贺津雄 丹波哲郎 志村乔 林与一 村松英子 田中邦卫 北村和夫 中谷一郎 花泽德卫 夏川静江 桑山正一 谷晃 近藤洋介 山本清 中村敦夫 阿部百合子 长山蓝子 中村玩右卫门 泷泽修 杉村春子 中村雁治郎 仲谷升 宫口精二 佐藤庆 神山繁 田崎润 织本顺吉 小林昭二 青木义朗 玉川伊佐男 天本英世 主演,小林正树 导演的《怪谈》/原名《怪談》/又名《奇谈 / Kwaidan / Ghost Stories》电影在线观看,《怪谈》百度云网盘资源以及《怪谈》高清mp4迅雷下载,《怪谈》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

本片分为四个故事:《黑发》居住在京都的武士(三國連太郎 饰)厌倦了贫苦的生活,他抛弃妻子(新珠三千代 饰),与一个贵族小姐(渡辺美佐子 饰)结婚。然而现任妻子的

Plot Summary:This film contains four distinct, separate stories. "Black Hair": A poor samurai who divorces his true love to marry for money, but finds the marriage disastrous and returns to his old wife, only to discover something eerie about her. "The Woman in the Snow": Stranded in a snowstorm, a woodcutter meets an icy spirit in the form of a woman spares his life on the condition that he never tell anyone about her. A decade later he forgets his promise. "Hoichi the Earless": Hoichi is a blind musician, living in a monastery who sings so well that a ghostly imperial court commands him to perform the epic ballad of their death battle for them. But the ghosts are draining away his life, and the monks set out to protect him by writing a holy mantra over his body to make him invisible to the ghosts. But they've forgotten something. "In a Cup of Tea": a writer tells the story of a man who keep seeing a mysterious face reflected in his cup of tea.





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