黑暗世界Темный мир(2010)

6.0 还行

Темный мир又名:Temnyy mir / Dark World

分类:动作 奇幻 冒险  俄罗斯  2010 2010-10-07(俄罗斯)俄语

主演:斯维特兰娜·伊万诺娃,伊万·日德科夫,叶莲娜·维克托罗夫娜·帕诺娃,Sergey Ugryumov,伊利娅·阿列克谢耶夫


Aleksandr Dorbinyan/Aleksei Sidorov


OK影视为您提供2010年由斯维特兰娜·伊万诺娃 伊万·日德科夫 叶莲娜·维克托罗夫娜·帕诺娃 Sergey Ugryumov 伊利娅·阿列克谢耶夫 Evgeniy Atarik 奥尔加·斯米尔诺娃 Olga Grishova Zakhar Khungureev Georgiy Klyuev 玛利亚·科热夫尼科夫 Tatyana Kuznetsova Vladimir Malyugin 弗拉基米尔·诺西克 Alina Orlova 主演,安东·梅格尔季切夫 导演的《黑暗世界》/原名《Темный мир》/又名《Temnyy mir / Dark World》电影在线观看,《黑暗世界》百度云网盘资源以及《黑暗世界》高清mp4迅雷下载,《黑暗世界》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:In Russia, the mystic student of linguistic Marina Leonova is in love with her boyfriend Artur. However, he blows her off and dates their schoolmate Vika. When their class travels to the countryside with their Professor Sergey Rudolfovich to research mystic spots, they meet a weird old lady in the forest and she invites them to have a meal with her. The outcast Marina stays by the lake and Artur seeks her to have sex. However they are surprised by their friends and the ashamed Marina runs to the forest. Kostya, who has a crush on Marina, follows her and they get lost in the woods. Marina and Kostya reach an abandoned house and Marina decides to explore the spot. She finds the mummified corpse of a witch holding a shield and she is possessed by a force and faints. Sergey and his students find her and he call a rescue team to help Marina. However, a violent elite squad in a helicopter arrives instead and sooner the students discover that the Minister of Mining Aleksandr is the son of the powerful sorcerer Ylto Vallo that was murdered centuries ago by the Queen of the Witches. Aleksandr wants to retrieve the power of his father and needs the magic spell that will release his power from the shield. But Marina is also a witch and she will do anything to avoid the evil Aleksandr from getting the power.


  • 7.2分 高清


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  • 0.0分 高清


  • 7.5分 高清


  • 0.0分 BD


  • 6.8分 HD


  • 6.8分 惊魂时刻恐惧求生


  • 7.4分 蓝光




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