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それでも世界は美しい又名:Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii / Still world is beautiful

分类:剧情 动画  日本  2014 日语





OK影视为您提供2014年由前田玲奈 岛崎信长 杉田智和 横山智佐 伊濑茉莉也 茅野爱衣 寺崎裕香 潘惠子 青木琉璃子 大塚瑞惠 佐武宇绮 乃村健次 池田秀一 二又一成 富田耕生 浪川大辅 竹口安芸子 白井悠介 樱井孝宏 大西健晴 松冈由贵 工藤晴香 主演,龟垣一 城所圣明 小高义规 高木弘树 驹屋健一郎 佐藤光 田中智也 导演的《尽管如此世界依然美丽》/原名《それでも世界は美しい》/又名《Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii / Still world is beautiful》影视在线观看,《尽管如此世界依然美丽》百度云网盘资源以及《尽管如此世界依然美丽》高清mp4迅雷下载,《尽管如此世界依然美丽》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

个性活泼开朗的妮可(前田玲奈 配音)是雨之国的公主,身为家中最年幼的孩子,她却拥有着不输于任何人的好胜性格。在和姐姐们的游戏之中,妮可成为了输家,因此被迫嫁给了

Plot Summary:In the almighty Sun Kingdom, it never rains. In the Rain Dukedom, select women of the royal family have the ability to call the rain with song. So when the most powerful ruler in the world, the Sun King Livius Orvinus Ifrikia, decides it's time to take a wife, it only makes sense that he demand to marry one of the four princesses of the Rain Dukedom, an offer they can't refuse. Nike Remarcier is the youngest of the Rain princesses, and the one who inherited the ability to call the rain. Reluctantly, she journeys from her homeland to the Sun Kingdom, but when she meets the Sun King - the man who conquered the world in three short years. Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii is the tale of this mismatched pair, and what happens when each discovers the other is a very different person than they expected.




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