折纸救援队 第一季Origanimals(2016)

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分类:动画 儿童 冒险  马来西亚  2016 2016-06(马来西亚)英语

主演:叶加文,Aaron Teoh,Amelia Henderson,Marina Tan,Colin Chong,Adila

导演:Sandra Khoo Shi Kim


OK影视为您提供2016年由叶加文 Aaron Teoh Amelia Henderson Marina Tan Colin Chong Adila Shakir Bailey Azlan Martin 主演,Sandra Khoo Shi Kim 导演的《折纸救援队 第一季》/原名《Origanimals》电影在线观看,《折纸救援队 第一季》百度云网盘资源以及《折纸救援队 第一季》高清mp4迅雷下载,《折纸救援队 第一季》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Paper springs to life on the amazing Planet Origami. This is home to an awesome community of origami animals known as Origanimals®. Ryan Rhino, Fiona Fox, Zoe Zebra and Khye Koala form a wildlife rescue team - the Awesome Four or the A4. In a rescue mission, they'll glide and hop on to a big condor that will fly them to unique locations around the world. Being awesome, the A4 uses problem-solving skills and creative origami solutions to help others in need. This bunch certainly know that the benefits of cooperation are manifold; wherever they go, the A4 is sure to find fun and adventures, and a whole pile of new friends, in fact so many unique origanimals animals.


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