福星小子 OVA 阿渚的未婚夫うる星やつら 渚のフィアンセ(1988)

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うる星やつら 渚のフィアンセ

分类:喜剧 动画 短片  日本  1988 1988日语




OK影视为您提供1988年由古川登志夫 神谷明 平野文 岛津冴子 田中真弓 安西正弘 主演,四分一节子 导演的《福星小子 OVA 阿渚的未婚夫》/原名《うる星やつら 渚のフィアンセ》电影在线观看,《福星小子 OVA 阿渚的未婚夫》百度云网盘资源以及《福星小子 OVA 阿渚的未婚夫》高清mp4迅雷下载,《福星小子 OVA 阿渚的未婚夫》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Lum, Ataru, Shinobu and Mendo are invited to a small island where Mr Fujinami and Ryunnosuke have relocated and reopened their Hama Tea Shop.Once there, Fujinami explains that he purchased the shop from an old family friend, who disappeared along with his daughter, Nagisa. One evening, the group are scared by a pair of ghosts, who turn out to be the spirits of Fujinami's friend and his daughter.The two ghosts explain that they were trying to make a new dish using sea urchin, but due to poisoning, both died. It is also revealed that the friend's daughter Nagisa, was to become Ryunnosuke's wife.Ryunnosuke refuses, and confesses to her Father's friend that she cannot wed Nagisa, since she isn't a boy, but a girl. Strangely enough, this does not deter the friend or Fujinami from trying to get them together. Though the fact that she is a ghost is soon changed when a sea urchin comes ashore, and sheds a tear. Nagisa swallows the tear, and becomes human again.Meanwhile, the others have noted...


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