Su excelencia(1967)

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Su excelencia

分类:剧情 喜剧  墨西哥  1967 1967-05-03(墨西哥)西班牙语

主演:Cantinflas,Sonia Infante,Guillermo Zetina,Tito Junco,Miguel

导演:Miguel M. Delgado


OK影视为您提供1967年由Cantinflas Sonia Infante Guillermo Zetina Tito Junco Miguel Manzano José Gálvez Víctor Alcocer Maura Monti Jack Kelly Eduardo Alcaraz Fernando Wagner Carlos Riquelme Quintín Bulnes Eduardo MacGregor Luis Manuel Pelayo 主演,Miguel M. Delgado 导演的《Su excelencia》电影在线观看,《Su excelencia》百度云网盘资源以及《Su excelencia》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Su excelencia》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Lopez, treated derisively by all as Lopitos, is a humble but loyal citizen of Los Cocos Republic, working as an assistant at the chancellery, helping to process visas. Through a sudden series of events, namely the fear of the number 13 by the Los Cocos Ambassador, a strict protocol, three military coups and a revolution, all successful in the same day, with as much changes in governments, and ambassadors, Lopitos becomes the ambassador. Just when a powerful international struggle is taking place, and the Red and Green factions are vying to attract all the yet undecided votes amongst the nations of the world, to convene soon in an international conference to decide who will govern the world. It happens all nations have either lined up behind the "Green" banner, led by the money oriented Dolaronia, or the "Red" ideology, whose figurehead is the prime minister of socialist Pepeslavia; except, of course, the recently appointed civil government of Los Cocos. With the votes divided ...


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