Stars in the House(2020)

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分类:脱口秀  美国  2020 英语

主演:Seth Rudetsky,James Wesley,Jon LaPook,Andrea Burns,杰克·普罗特尼克,



OK影视为您提供2020年由Seth Rudetsky James Wesley Jon LaPook Andrea Burns 杰克·普罗特尼克 Brenda Braxton 安德列·马丁 布莱恩·斯托克斯·米切尔 利兹·卡洛薇 马克·夏曼 席爱拉·博格斯 Anika Larsen 毕比·诺维尔什 Paul Castree 诺姆·刘易斯 奥德拉·麦克唐纳 奇塔·里维拉 基拉·塞特尔 朱迪·库恩 凯莉·奥哈拉 查尔斯·布什 杰茜·缪勒 Ann Hampton Callaway 夏洛特·丹布瓦兹 莉莉亚斯·惠特 劳拉·本纳蒂 安妮特·贝宁 凯文·张伯伦 克里斯汀·肯诺恩斯 安·哈拉达 詹姆斯·门罗·伊格尔哈特 杰瑞米·乔丹 Melissa Manchester 朱莉娅·穆尼 贝拉米·扬 泰伦斯·曼 杰森·亚历山大 Darius de Haas 科林·唐纳 Hunter Foster 大卫·海德·皮尔斯 安迪·卡尔 Lisa Mordente 奥菲 主演,未知 导演的《Stars in the House》/原名《》影视在线观看,《Stars in the House》百度云网盘资源以及《Stars in the House》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Stars in the House》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic and theatres across the world closing their curtains indefinitely, SiriusXM host Seth Rudetsky and his husband, producer James Wesley have created Stars in the House, a daily live streamed series to support The Actors Fund and its services. With new shows airing daily at 2 PM ET and 8 PM ET, Stars in the House is a combination of music, community, and education (from CBS Chief Medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook) located on the Actors Fund YouTube Channel. With musical performances by stars remotely from their home and conversations with Seth and James between each tune, viewers can also donate to the charity and interact with the guests in real time. Stars in the House raised over $50,000 in the first four days of airing. Guests include Idina Menzel, Matt Bomer, Sara Bareilles, Grant Gustin, Jason Alexander, Kristen Chenoweth as well as couples confined together like Audra McDonald and Will Swenson, Frozen composers Bobby Lopez and Kristen ...


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