他的照片上报了His Picture in the Papers(1916)

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His Picture in the Papers

分类:喜剧  美国  1916 1916Silent

主演:Douglas Fairbanks,Clarence Handyside,Rene Boucicault

导演:John Emerson


OK影视为您提供1916年由Douglas Fairbanks Clarence Handyside Rene Boucicault 主演,John Emerson 导演的《他的照片上报了》/原名《His Picture in the Papers》电影在线观看,《他的照片上报了》百度云网盘资源以及《他的照片上报了》高清mp4迅雷下载,《他的照片上报了》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Pete Prindle wins the affections of Christine Cadwalader, but the father of the girl demands that Pete shall get a half interest in his father's food product company before he is allowed to marry her. Pete accepts the ultimatum. Proteus Prindle, father of Pete, is angry when he receives the request from his son. He shows how his two girls have broken into print with an illustrated article in Vegetarian Gazette. Pete offers to get his picture on the front pages of all the New York papers. Proteus gives Pete $100 and tells him not to come back till he makes good his boast. Pete wrecks an auto, wins a prize fight, swims to shore from a steamer and is locked up after a fight with the police. But none of these adventures net him more than a line or two in the papers. Then he foils a band of yeggs and rescues a train from being wrecked. Christopher and his daughter are on board and congratulate him. It ends with his getting his picture in all the metropolitan papers.







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